28 Apr 2014

Japanese-style Lau (Hot Pot) - Saturday, April 12

After work, I was invited to dinner by an employer of mine! We went to a Japanese-Taiwan-Vietnamese fusion restaurant near my house.  Patrick didn’t finish work until 10pm, so unfortunately he couldn’t come, but I wish he was there because it was so delicious! We had hot pot (lau), Japanese-style, which is when you have a burner in the middle of the table and you put in ingredients and extra broth throughout the dinner to cook, right in front of you.  Everybody takes a small helping at a time from the pot in the middle, so it’s a very interactive experience (much like many meals in the Asian countries I’ve visited).  Hot Pot is definitely one of my favourite types of meals!

This particular dish was an assorted/mixed hot pot and had the following ingredients:

-          Meat broth
-          Jumbo Shrimp
-          Beef slices
-          Cabbage
-          Onion
-          Potato
-          Tofu
-          Mini clams
-          Dumplings
-          Corn (on the cob)
-          Mushrooms
-          Pumpkin
-          Sliced tomato
-          Clams
-          Fish cakes

Ingredients for the hot pot, before being cooked
Ingredients for the hot pot, before being cooked
My individual bowl

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